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  • Love and Loss

    2 min read

    Love and Loss

    As Valentine's Day sweeps through our social media feeds today, flooding them with heart emojis and romantic declarations, I'm taking a moment to reflect on the delicate dance of love and loss, in the midst of my own heartbreak.

    For me, this day holds a bittersweet significance, a reminder of love's enduring power amidst life's most brutal moments. 

    Two weeks ago today, my world came crashing down at a routine 11-week scan.  The joy and anticipation of welcoming another precious life into our family turned to agony as our obstetrician delivered the devastating news – our baby no longer had a heartbeat. In that moment, our hearts shattered into a million pieces, and the pain of loss engulfed us.

    I created Berthi to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with modern mums, embracing the messy reality of motherhood, whilst striving to make a positive impact.  That means acknowledging the painful moments too, like the heartache of miscarriage. 

    While it's a topic often shrouded in silence, I believe we have a responsibility to create more spaces for honest dialogue and support.  Because every woman's journey is unique, and no one should have to navigate it alone.

    Navigating the aftermath of miscarriage is a journey fraught with grief, confusion, and profound sadness. As I grappled with the reality of our loss, I found solace in the unwavering support of loved ones, and the unconditional love of our beautiful, bouncing toddler, whose energetic presence served as a beacon of light in my darkest hours.

    In the whirlwind of loss, I found how important it’s been to give myself permission to step back, wrap myself in a cocoon, and feel the weight of my grief.  Your world may shrink, your business may slow down, you may end up with 100 missed calls, but that's perfectly fine.

    By allowing yourself the grace to step away and embrace the stillness, you honour the depth of your experience and pave the way for healing to begin.

    Valentine's Day, a day celebrated for its expressions of love and affection, can be particularly challenging for those of us who carry the weight of loss in their hearts.  In the midst of my own grief, I've come to realise that healing is not a linear process. It's messy, nonlinear, and deeply personal, just like motherhood.  

    For me, this day serves as a poignant reminder of the power of love – a force that transcends loss and adversity, illuminating the darkest corners of our hearts. And though the road ahead may be long and arduous, I take solace in the knowledge that love endures all things.

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